INretail is the largest trade association regarding non-food retail and has over 5.000 members with more than 13.000 locations in the home and interior, fashion, shoes and sport sectors.
With an annual turnover of approximately 25 billion, these branches represent one third of retail turnover in the Netherlands. The home and interior, fashion, shoes and sporting sectors employ 140.000 people.
Trade association
In our role as a trade association, we represent the collective interests of retailers in the home and interior, fashion, and sporting sectors. We lobby for our members in Brussels and The Hague, consult with local parties representing various interests, and meet with all relevant organisations. This is our way of tackling problems at their roots and doing so successfully. Working together, we can accomplish what an entrepreneur cannot do alone.
Besides our strong focus on lobby we are a non-profit organisation. Working for the branches is driven by our members. Our members decide which course we flow and where our focus is.
We believe an entrepreneur must be able to focus primarily on his business. But regardless of how well he manages his business, there will always be issues he cannot solve on his own: rising crime rates, user-friendly payment services, policy related to business location, ever increasing bureaucracy and regulations, corporate social responsibility, well-trained personnel, industrial health and safety issues etc.
Our vision is that the focus of a retailer should be on that the consumer needs. The consumer demands quality, a good shopping experience, efficiency and helpful personnel. We work together with others to create a varied shopping landscape. This translates into flourishing inner cities for an enjoyable day out and well-equipped shopping streets, areas and centres where the consumer can quickly and easily find what he is looking for. We help create the ideal shopping climate, where the consumer is effectively motivated to make purchases and where entrepreneurs can run their businesses optimally.